Best Coding Websites to Learn Coding free

Best websites to learn coding for free

To learn Coding for free you can go for various tutorials and courses to practice web development or an application to be developed. you will find numerous websites, I am providing you with some best websites to learn to code for free.

Top 5 Best websites to learn coding for free in 2021-22 from scratch through online coding courses.

Best coding platforms for beginners in 2021-22 are listed below

  1. Udemy
  2. Coursera
  3. W3Schools
  4. Coder Byte
  5. Tutorials Point


Udemy is a popular platform to seek knowledge into coding principles & methodologies having a 4.8 stars rating out of 5.0 of more than 1,00,000 students. In this platform, you can take the paid sessions of your interest and learn to a full extent that has been designed by top professionals.


Coursera is one of the top-rated websites to learn coding for free enroll instead if you want to be certified you need to pay near to $99. Being an open course provider for professionals based in the U.S founded in 2012 by Stanford University computer science professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller.


W3Schools is one of the most thorough free online learning platforms for coding and web development. I would suggest using their tutorials to build your software projects based on any of the technologies. I especially started learning all the basic concepts of HTML, JavaScript, XML, CSS, SQL including many others.


CoderByte offers quick beginner-level courses in popular programming languages, such as JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. It also helped many developers that want to take it to the next level.


TutorialsPoint offers the best content on the latest technologies including C, C++, Java, Python, PHP, Machine Learning, Data Science, and HTML.

Apart from these many other platforms are there to learn coding in any of the technology you are interested in like Codecademy, Geeks4Geeks, freeCodeCamp, Codementor, GitHub, StackOverflow, and many more.

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