Here is the post “C Programming Practical Important Program Questions” for fybsc computer science students of “BSc Computer science(CS) for Programming in C subject” some Important Questions that help students get an idea asked in mumbai university exams appearing from various regular or distance learning courses.
Here is an article for students that could help in knowing the “C Programming Important Questions for bsc computer science” specially as python subject is in your first year fybsc computer science syllabus of mumbai university.
Below are some few 25 Important practical program questions for C language Subject that could come in your practical exams, theory exams or may be asked on software company job interviews at the time of aptitude test.
C Programming Important Questions for Practical Exams
Important Questions of C Programming language for fybsc computer science
25 C Programming Practical Important Program Questions
Q1. Write a C Program to display a welcome Message?
Q2. Write a C Program to add two numbers and display the sum?
Q3. Write a C Program to multiply,divide two numbers and display the result?
Q4. Write a C program to check whether number is even no or odd no?
Q5. Write a C Program to check whether entered number is prime number or not?
Q6. Write a C Program whether inputted character is a vowel or consonant?
Q7. Write a C Program to calculate simple interest of a given amount for a year entered by user?
Q8. Write a C Program whether entered string/number format is a palindrome or not?
Q9. Write a C Program to find the reverse of a user input string?
Q10. Write a C Program to find a factorial of a given user entered number by using recursion method?
Q11. Write a C Program to print Fibonacci’s Series?
C Programming Practical Important Program Questions
Q12. Write a C Program to check whether a given entered number is an Armstrong or not?
Q13. Write a C Program to find sum of n natural numbers?
Q14. Write a C Program to print Floyd’s Triangle?
Q15. Write a C Program to use all 4 string handling functions?
Q16. Write a C Program to find average of two numbers?
Q17. Write a C Program to check leap year or not?
Q18. Write a C Program to sort an array in acsending order?
Q19. Write a C program to find number of elements present in given array?
Q20. Write a C program to make usage of switch statement to display a students grade depending upon the average marks scored by student in particular academic year of all subjects?
Q21. Write a C program to find area and circumference of circle using const?
Q22. Write a C Program to swap two numbers using pointers?
Q23. Write a C Program to convert decimal number to binary number?
Q24. Create a structure in C program to manage details of faculty record and access those variables of faculty to display in a particular format?
Q25. Write a program in C to store and display the details of 5 students such as rollno,name, address and otal marks scored in all subjects using structure?
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